Skyrocket your Income with Peace, Joy and Ease with Your Expert in 7 Figure Energetics

It’s time for you to be pursued and treasured by your dream ideal clients who are grateful to pay you and collaborators who are delighted to help you because they know you are the one to help them achieve their mission — now.


Are you a work-horse doing all the things to avoid things falling apart, but still not able to relax or achieve inner peace? (asking yourself instead : “what’s wrong with me?”)

not feeling seen in all you sacrifice to be a high-integrity leader?

Do you feel that no one has real insight into just how much you have to deal with everyday, and how you still handle yourself in such a classy way? Do you feel that people don’t understand that you do care and you are motivated to further the greater good (not because people are watching, but because it matters?).

sick of everyone’s else’s emergency becoming yours?

Is what you once loved feeling heavy, you’re making good money but there’s a cap, you’re feeling limited because you’re not sure where you could possibly fit anything else in? (and you’re a bit embarrassed you can’t switch off no matter how tired you are, or even self-care for enjoyment vs “I should”?).

If yes, then it’s time for you to do:


A unique 1:1 experience to tune you back into the frequency of money with peace, levity and ease.

Let’s tune you in:

You can also book a single intensive here, access the instant self-study option here, or DM to ask which option is right for you.


If you are secretly wondering if you have screwed up by making the wrong choices in business: you haven’t.

You haven’t done anything wrong, and the edges that you are bumping into now are signs that you are on the verge of a breakthrough.

There are reasons why you are feeling how you are in this moment — it’s because you are right up close and personal with your money splinters: the deeper piercings that are preventing you from going to your next level.

Once you take your splinters out, your decisions and the perfection of your path will all make sense.

It’s hard to find the splinters by yourself, but I can see them within minutes. Then it’s so easy for us to take them out!

Once we take your splinters out, and you’ll be finished with …

  • Not charging what your work is worth (you are even discounting your prices and still no one is buying, which just makes no sense: the value is unreal).

  • Taking 25 melatonin to get to sleep (or at 3am when you wake up)

  • Overspending to give the impression you’re killing it, as your savings dip.

  • Feeling more embarrassed now than you did at the start of your business.

  • Chasing clients (& validating it by saying “fortune is in the follow-up”)

  • Spending so much time on objections even though your work is top-notch.

  • Feeling you’ve outgrown old codependent relating patterns, but not sure how else to ensure client retention & team productivity and happiness.

  • Using busy-work to avoid putting your energy into the needle-movers.

  • At 11pm, falling onto the feed of the industry peer you’ve muted, wondering whether she is faking it or if she really has figured out something you haven’t. 

  • Pushing harder, because we know that you are a workhorse (but burnout is coming as this is not sustainable).

  • Neglecting your personal life as you to try to figure this out; your love-life is becoming non-existent, but you’re compartmentalising that.

  • Overstimulated and cannot switch off, no matter how tired you are.

Instead, imagine you’ll be:

  • Money coming in all the time, consistent high cash months again!

  • Sourcing your authority from within, being your leadership essence.

  • Feeling safe & secure with money as you feel safe and secure in yourself.

  • Noticing a steady stream of follows and likes, and when you click into their profile, you see they are the definition of your dream ideal client.

  • Stripe notifications pinging throughout the day, and new content is so easy to create because you can reference your clients who get so many results!

  • Receiving gratitude notes from clients at every price-point (even people who simply consume your free content) sharing how much you have helped them.

  • Going to bed at night feeling excited about doing your morning Pilates reformer class because it makes your body feel so damn good.

  • Suddenly having unstructured time open up on your calendar!

  • Feeling more mobile in your body and spirit than you have for years.

  • Researching how to invest and multiply money in impactful ways.

  • Feeling fully supported by your team in a way that you can finally relax, at the same time as you watch your positive impact accelerate.

  • Feeling a deeper fulfillment with a life that is robust personally and professionally, taking care of your garden of life and doing what you came here to do.

“Nothing has come close to the impact of this work in my life … the result is unfathomable”

Desi Valentine


You’re so much closer than you think.

Here’s how we make the magic happen:

 Remove the money splinter preventing you from being fully supported in your mission.

 Remove the money splinter preventing you from being fully treasured for your magic.

 Remove the money splinter preventing you from fully relaxing and enjoying your life.

3 Private Intensive Sessions

You and me. We get together on zoom for 90 minutes and I guide you a layer deeper than limiting beliefs to surface your unconscious vow and release your splinters, or the way your consciousness has been pierced (these may not even be yours, what we do in these sessions often harks back to ancestral threads or other lives, which is why traditional money manifestation isn’t working for you here).

Don’t be fooled by the short time period : the work we do together is as profound as it is gentle and it can feel magical, poetic, feminine and life-changing. You don’t need to spend 12 months integrating: the process is clean, easy, fast, enjoyable, and revelatory.

If you wish, we can use one of our sessions as a Golden Elevator Strategy session. Once the splinter is out, I can more clearly channel potent and efficient real-world action steps for you.

Telegram Support Monday-Thursday

Inbetween sessions, you may wish to share thoughts, realizations, breakthroughs with me, or have someone who gets it to simply soundboard with. You also may wish to verbally process your new ideas as these drop in for you. I open up an acceleration channel for you for the month, so you can share anything that comes up for you between sessions, and get my antennae tuned into you to ensure your rapid forward momentum. Quick tweaks are invaluable.


You will receive beautiful transformational meditations to support you after the splinter sessions. These meditations are grounded in soothing self-compassion, self-forgiveness, and gratitude. We work towards an embodiment of personal power, self-love, inner peace.


A unique 1:1 experience to tune you back into the frequency of money with peace, levity and ease.

Let’s tune you in:

You can also book a single intensive here, access the instant self-study option here, or DM to ask which option is right for you.


"Nice to see the ease at which it happened, it was instant, it didn't take too much time and energy, and the money was put in my account instantly without me having to do much at all - the magic is happening - also feeling so at ease here in New York. Splinter session, SUPER HELPFUL!"

- V

I’m Dr Ezzie Spencer, and I support you to skyrocket your income with peace, joy and ease — while you find real fulfillment.

I’m no normal guide to the unconscious realms.

I started out as a human rights lawyer and then did my PhD in therapeutic jurisprudence for women who had been subjected to abuse inside their romantic and family relationships. On 15 March 2011, I had a major spiritual awakening that meant that I could see the future and see soul wounds, or splinters, in people.

People often say that splinters are a smart “idea” or concept, but I actually see these splinters in my clients. The power channel runs down the right hand side of a person, the love channel down the middle and the peace channel down the left. 

As a lawyer, I struggled with “being weird” and wanted nothing more than for this to go away. I was embarrassed and I wanted to fit in with the mainstream, with my law peers, who worked squarely with the rational mind. It was only on a trip to Berlin for a conference in July 2011 that it all changed. I visited a meditation studio one night and the Berliners, astonished by the terrifying accuracy of my “readings”, simply assumed that this was what I did for work in Australia.

They were even more astonished when ….

… I laughed and said that I was just visiting Berlin to present at a conference, that I was climbing the ladder to be a law professor, and that this weird laser vision thing had all just happened accidentally recently and was most definitely not a job.

The thing I was most ashamed was, was in fact a precious gift that I could not value or even see in myself until those meditators held the mirror up to tell me:

“Huh?!" But you have just helped me so much!”

Holding tightly to this new permission slip, I returned to Australia, published my first website and started charging $100 for sessions in my living room at Bondi Beach. By the time I graduated my PhD in 2013, I had a global coaching business with a program that became a best-selling book and sold 40,000 copies over multiple titles worldwide. New products in the series will be released this year and stocked in Walmart and Target in the U.S as well as other major retailers globally …

… fun what can happen when you give yourself permission to be your “weird” self!

I moved to New York City and worked with tens of thousands of people around the world in 1:1 coaching, group coaching, retreats, circles, events, online programs and live speaking events. I even wrote a proposal in 2018 for a new book called Magnetic which was about where the splinters came from and the impact they had.

…. And yet, while I could see splinters in people, I still could not take them out.

The book proposal was rejected everywhere, because really, I had more work to do …

This humbled me and brought me to deeper work of learning how to remove splinters, which I mastered during, a successful coaching business that I found plenty of need for in New York. I circled back to my first career on toxic relationships, and for 5 years, I helped women to establish healthy partnership. Once I took out love splinters in my clients, they became magnetic to love, even at the age of 70. Many engagements, marriages and babies came from

One day, a article I wrote for goop was picked up by the British Tabloids and I was profiled as a dating coach. As important as dating profile tips are! - it felt weird to be syndicated across the international press in a way that didn’t capture the fullness of my mission, which is really about elevating human consciousness. 

That was the moment when I started to share more about the deeper roots of my work, and threw open the doors for splinter removals in areas beyond love. I was quickly approached by entrepreneurs who wanted help with money splinters. I quickly understood just how damn effective my Splinter Method was to make very quick and easy tweaks to help entrepreneurs to skyrocket their cash, with ease.

It was through my own work as an entrepreneur and spiritual adventurer that the money splinters were born, and the more I take out my own money splinters, the more it all spirals up, for myself and the amazing people that I now work with.

Skyrocket your income with peace with:


A unique 1:1 experience to tune you back into the frequency of money with levity and ease.

Let’s tune you in:

You can also book a single intensive here, access the instant self-study option here, or DM to ask which option is right for you.


Wtihin 30 days of her splinter sessions and Golden Elevator strategy session in 2024, Felicity Brazil was invited onto ABC radio to share her work as an authority on menopause, invited to participate on a panel at a major university, asked to co-author a book, ran multiple live events in Canberra, and signed a dream private client. See Felicity’s new website.


You can also book a single intensive here, access the instant self-study option here, or DM to ask which option is right for you.


I had the biggest cash month in December 2023 and now my publisher wants to talk Book 2! This is ABSOLUTELY connected to our session, as we spoke end of last year and they weren’t in any rush. Now they’re pretty much like “how quickly can you get a pitch together”. It’s like in shifting me the person and the business to be separate entities, opportunities are able to land more clearly.

[Update: she got the book deal, another company pursued her for another deal, and her calendar fully booked out!].

- H

Here’s just a glimmer of what’s possible when you take the quantum leap into being open and available for your money:

Claire Thomas

Coach and Certified Splinter Method™ Practitioner


I almost doubled my revenue for this launch after our money splinter session. It felt so fun and easy!

- L

You are here because you have important work for the planet. You are worthy of being supported and valued as you carry forth your mission.

Enough is enough with grinding it out & giving your power away to “the good times”

If you’re tired of feeling this way, it’s time to make a change.

If you are sincerely on a quest to realize your reason for being in this life-time, I very much believe that you CAN do it with greater levity and joy, with dream ideal clients who will pursue you & be grateful for you.

I believe it because I see it all the time, with my clients who rapidly normalise magical experiences in business that would have been unfathomable to them only weeks earlier.

You deserve to be treasured!

If so, then it’s time for you to do the


A unique 1:1 experience to tune you back into the frequency of money with peace, levity and ease.

Let’s tune you in:

You can also book a single intensive here, access the instant self-study option here, or DM to ask which option is right for you.

This program does not make any claims as to outcome, nor does it constitute financial or other advice. By purchasing you agree to the full Terms here